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Mechatronics Solution Partner for Manufacturing equipments, Art Installations and Water Park Attractions


Kinetron Teknoloji San. Inc. is a technology company specializing in industrial automation, motion technologies and interactive applications. With our 15 years of experience in motion control technologies, we develop servo, hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Among our customers are defense industry companies, museums, water parks manufacturers and machine manufacturers.


Our company, which also provides special technology solutions for aquaparks, produces water park traffic lights, special weighing systems, scoreboard and led effect systems.

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Your Automation Systems Consultant

Our Solutions

We are always with you with the solutions we produce in industrial areas.


Industrial Automation

We stand by our customers with our 15 years of automation and machine industry experience. We provide motion solutions and automation systems that can meet multi-axis dynamic needs. We offer NC and CNC functionality at the software level without changing the hardware.


With Kinetron KIOT, your machines are under constant supervision. With our new IOT approach, which continuously processes data such as temperature, vibration, pressure, flow, current, torque, your machines and lines set up analyzes that will predict service times.


Water Parks

With the products we produce specifically for water parks, we minimize the accidents that may occur on the slides. We design products to minimize accidents that may occur with our slide entry and exit control systems and racing equipment.

Museum and Art Installations

These days, smart devices, apps, and online programs can teach us more about art in general or specific works in particular, and help us relate to our own views on an exhibition and connect with the people behind the exhibition.


Why Us?

Developing innovative solutions

Kinetron Technology has been serving more than 30 countries around the world with our team of special designers, engineers and manufacturers for 5 years in the field of industrial automation.

We are with you in every project from the establishment of industrial facilities, the determination of needs and the realization of the optimum design in line with customer demands.


In last 5 years


32 Countries


500K+ Happy Customers


120 Products Installed

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